
2021 Orientation Event

As the Department of Foreign Language Education, we are happy to announce that the Fall semester of 2021-2022 Academic Year began with the Orientation Event which took place on October 5, 2021. Research Assistant Betül Çimenli gave an introductory presentation and all academic staff at our department introduced themselves. Students were able to learn about the basics of the university, department, and the city by attending the event. Students also asked questions in the Q&A session at the end of the event.
  • A visit from Bartın Cumhuriyet Anatolian High School

  • BARU ELT senior students attended the graduation ceremony

  • Bartın ELT students attended the 6th Gazi ELT Undergraduate Student Conference on May 17, on a trip organized by Bartın ELS

  • Let's talk about mobilities (Undergraduate student event)

  • The department welcomed a visiting English teacher from Iran

  • Faculty Members of the English Language Teaching Program Meet with Practicum Teachers for an End-of-Semester Evaluation Meeting

  • Language Talks #9 "Employability in ELT Outside Academia: Assessment and Publishing Industry" by Dr. Ayse Gur Geden

  • Academicians at our department participated in a kick-off meeting for Erasmus+ KA220 project

  • Graduate Reunion Meeting

  • Inspiring prospective ELT undergraduate students: High school students visited our department